▪️Po-Yu Lin, Ceramic Culture Master of Eastern Philosophy.
Since university, Mr. Lin has been determined to create ceramics. He studied in the sculpture area of the Department of Fine Arts and the Institute of Ceramic Art under the tutelage of Mr. CHUNG, LIN HSU and Dr. CHING, YUAN CHANG. He also has practiced the art of ceramics at the world-renowned Yingge Ceramic Museum for more than 20 years, and has accumulated a solid foundation of skills through his tremendous efforts.
The unique sense of hand-kneading and sculpting techniques, the precise control of glaze and kiln temperature, combined with keen insight and life perception, have created a philosophical work. He has won many awards in Ceramic art, and was often invited to represent Taiwan in international exhibitions and collections. Master Po-Yu Lin has become an important and well-known figure in the professional field of ceramic creation.
"Inspired by life and death, mother nature and belief, we tell stories with our fingertips." The delicate mastery of organic texture, consideration of plants' growth, and wild and unrestrained brushwork are hallmarks of his work.
Repeated coloring and multiple firings reveal an unspeakable depth of color and the unique treatment of glazing techniques on the masterpieces. Master Lin's sincere, elegant, and natural works are full of vigor, and his abstract and figurative masterpieces are rich in Zen atmosphere.
▪️陶藝界的東方哲學大師 – 林博裕 。
自從大學,林老師 便堅定陶藝創作的唯一志向。美術系雕塑組、陶瓷藝術研究所,拜學於師承徐崇林,張清淵老師。並在揚名全球的“鶯歌陶瓷博物館”駐館修行,長達20年以上積攢千錘百煉的紮實功底。
獨特手捏陶工法與雕刻技術,釉藥、窯溫的精準掌控結合敏銳的洞察力與生命感悟,造就充滿哲學內涵的逸品。囊括陶藝大獎,作品多次獲邀代表台灣至國際展覽、典藏。林博裕 大師在陶瓷創作的專業領域,儼然是必需知曉的指標性人物。